20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (2024)

Let’s face it — being a small business owner isn’t always easy. In fact, it hardly ever is.

You need to effectively lead a team. You need to make big decisions that have a significant impact on the future of your business. You need to juggle dozens of responsibilities at once.

The good news is that you aren't expected to know all of this on your own.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (1)

20 best courses for small business owners

We’ve rounded up 20 of our best online business courses in the areas of finance, productivity and project management, sales and marketing, and on soft skills and business tools.

The best part? You don’t need to keep all of this knowledge to yourself. GoSkills makes it easy to put learning at the center of your company's culture, so you can encourage your employees and team members to try out these courses as well.

Finance courses

Not a numbers person? We get it. But keeping an eye on your financials is crucial for ensuring your business is healthy and strong. These courses can make that process far less intimidating:

1. Finance for Non-Financial Professionals

Are you great at business but hate financial jargon? This course takes you from scratching your head over balance sheets to using them as strategic tools. Learn to pinpoint profitable investments, separate necessary costs from wasteful expenses, and create budgets that make sense.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (2)

Over 16 lessons, it covers important topics such as budgeting, estimating, and interpreting financial data. Say goodbye to financial confusion and hello to confident decision-making.

2. Financial Modeling Basics

Struggling with spreadsheets while trying to make critical financial decisions for your business? The course is tailored for beginners and contains 55 practical tutorials that teach you the four key attributes of a good financial model, from structuring it for maximum usability to minimizing risk.

Learn Excel shortcuts that speed up your work, discover design tips to organize your model, and master some key Excel functions crucial for financial modeling. Don't let Excel intimidate you; turn it into your most trusted business ally.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (3)

3. QuickBooks Online

When it comes to bookkeeping, you’ll be hard-pressed to find software that’s more beloved than QuickBooks. However, there are still some features and elements that can be intimidating to newbies. This course is specifically designed for small to medium-sized business owners – start from scratch and level up to master features that tackle all your accounting challenges.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (4)

With 40 detailed lessons, learn how to generate and modify reports, manage customer and vendor info, record income and expenses, and even troubleshoot common errors. Say goodbye to manual accounting woes; enroll today and make QuickBooks your new secret weapon for business efficiency.

Business tools courses

In today’s technology-obsessed world, it seems like there’s constantly a new program or piece of software to master. Let’s stay focused on the basics and cover three different business tools you’ll want to know the ins and outs of.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (5)

4. Microsoft Excel - Basic and Advanced

Do you feel like you're not using Excel to its full potential, or worse, find it completely intimidating? It's time to turn the tables.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (6)

Over 100,000 people have already taken this Excel course – and it will transform you from a novice user to an Excel powerhouse. Learn how to navigate Excel like a pro, creating reports, graphs, and even dabbling in complex data analysis. From mastering formulas and shortcuts to sorting and filtering data with ease, this course has got you covered.

This course includes both basic and advanced training so you can become a better, faster, and stronger Excel user — regardless of how much knowledge you’re starting with.

5. Microsoft Word - Basic and Advanced

Microsoft Word might seem like a basic word processor, but it’s capable of so much more than you’re likely giving it credit for. This course is tailored to cover beginner through advanced techniques, this course empowers you to create, format, and share documents that reflect the quality of your services.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (7)

With more than 62 lessons, learn to streamline business communication with mail merge features for emails and form letters, while tracking changes and adding comments to foster efficient team collaboration.


20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (8)

Feel like your small business could be more organized, but unsure how to achieve it without complex or expensive software? This Google Drive course is the simple solution you've been waiting for.

Ideal for beginners, this course equips you with the know-how to use Google Drive and its suite of productivity apps to manage your business documents, collaborate in real-time, and even create engaging presentations and surveys.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (9)

Packed with 42 practical tutorials, these lessons will equip you with what you need to know to effectively use Google Drive, as well as apps like Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms. Say hello to streamlined operations and improved team collaboration. Enroll today to elevate your small business's efficiency to new heights.

7. Microsoft Forms

Stuck collecting data the old-fashioned way and missing out on valuable insights? Upgrade your toolkit with this comprehensive course on Microsoft Forms. Become a whiz at creating, sharing, and analyzing forms, surveys, and quizzes.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (10)

Learn to craft targeted surveys, collaborate on team-centric projects, and even integrate live polls into PowerPoint presentations. In just a few hours, transform how you collect and analyze data, making your information gathering not just easy, but also insightful.

Productivity and project management courses

As a business owner, you know that time is money. These courses will help you and your employees streamline your processes and amp up your productivity so you can work smarter instead of harder.

8. Project Management Basics

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (11)

If you or anyone on your team is responsible for overseeing projects, this course will help keep things on track. This 14-lesson course covers key topics from project initiation to closeout. Become adept at scope, schedule, and resource planning, plus, this course is grounded in PMBOK® Guide - Seventh Edition, providing you with globally recognized best practices.

Turn small business chaos into a well-oiled machine.

9. Essential Productivity Training

Feeling swamped by endless tasks and projects in your small business? Our targeted productivity course is your lifeline. Led by expert Francesco D'Alessio, this course is packed with 35 hands-on tutorials to teach you how to leverage top productivity apps like Evernote, Trello, and Todoist.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (12)

Learn to optimize your workflow, prioritize key tasks, and communicate effectively with your team. You'll move from juggling responsibilities to executing them with confidence, boosting both your bottom line and peace of mind.


Take back your day! Learn to master goal-setting, time-blocking, and even the art of saying "no" to take control of your hectic schedule. We also dive into task and project management tools to help you organize your business more efficiently.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (13)

The course balances professional enrichment with personal growth, so you can excel in both arenas.

11. Goal Setting for Personal and Professional Success

Feel like your ambitious goals for your small business are just pie-in-the-sky dreams? You're not alone, but it doesn't have to be that way. Led by acclaimed speaker TJ Walker, our course equips you with actionable strategies to set achievable goals and actually reach them.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (14)

From pinpointing common mistakes in goal-setting to understanding how to eliminate distractions, this course is a one-stop shop for mastering personal and professional growth. Cultivate habits that propel you toward success and learn to tackle goals in a way that turns your business aspirations into reality.

Sales and marketing courses

As a business owner, you aren’t just responsible for keeping your business running — you’re also the one heading up business growth. These courses can help you focus on closing sales and keep your business moving forward.

12. Introduction to Sales

Struggling to meet sales targets and finding it hard to stand out in a crowded market? Whether you’re the one handling sales for your business or you’ve brought on a team member to land more deals, this course covers eight steps to help you reach prospective customers, craft an effective pitch, and ultimately grow your business (and your revenue).

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (15)

Master proven techniques to not only elevate your sales but also turn prospects into loyal clients. Learn how to identify your ideal customer, connect meaningfully with various personality types, and deliver impactful presentations that seal the deal. Say goodbye to stagnant sales numbers and hello to incredible growth.

13. Introduction to Marketing

Overwhelmed by the challenge of making your small business stand out in a crowded market?

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (16)

Our Introduction to Marketing online course is your roadmap to success. This comprehensive course offers 21 actionable tutorials that will teach you the 7 key steps to effective marketing. You'll learn how to identify and attract your ideal clients, craft compelling messages, and convert prospects into loyal customers.

Master the essentials of creating engaging content, navigating various advertising platforms, and leveraging social media to increase your reach. Plus, you'll get the tools to measure the ROI of your marketing efforts.

Leadership and Soft Skill courses

Technical competencies carry a lot of weight for both you as the business owner and the members of your team. But ultimately, soft skills matter too. It’s these less-tangible qualities that make us effective communicators, thoughtful collaborators, and successful professionals. Here are a few courses to help you advance your soft skills.

14. Team Leadership

Maybe you want to brush up on your leadership skills as you manage your entire team and business. Or, maybe certain employees are moving into management roles and you want them to feel ready to step up to the challenge.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (17)

This course is designed to equip learners with the essential people management skills they need to lead a high-performing team. With 25 in-depth lessons, learn how to clearly communicate roles and expectations, handle conflicts, and facilitate effective team meetings. We'll also guide you through the nuances of team building and help you implement accountability and time management strategies.

15. Business Writing

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (18)

Make every word count. Level up your business writing skills and transform the way you communicate – whether it's persuasive sales pitches, clear and concise emails – this course offers practical, actionable lessons in a digestible format.

Learn essential elements like style, tone, and grammar, so your messages hit the mark every time.

16. Customer Service Training

Are you losing customers to the competition due to gaps in your customer service? Turn the tables with this comprehensive course. Tailored for customer service reps and managers, this course provides actionable strategies to build loyalty and boost customer retention.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (19)

In 22 hands-on tutorials, you'll discover the psychology behind excellent customer service and the tactics to create memorable experiences. Learn to read both verbal and non-verbal cues to better understand customer needs, and develop skills to resolve issues in a way that makes your customers feel valued and heard.

From active listening to "wow" solutions that exceed expectations, this course equips you to become a customer service superstar.

17. Public Speaking

Struggling to captivate your clients or investors during business presentations? This course is tailored specifically for small business owners who want to make a lasting impression.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (20)

With 36 insightful video tutorials, you'll learn directly from a public speaking expert on how to captivate your audience — be it potential investors, clients, or even your own team. This course will guide you through the art of crafting compelling PowerPoint slides, engaging with your audience effectively, and conquering the common jitters.

As an added bonus, you'll also get access to TJ's bestselling ebooks, supplementing the skills and techniques covered in the course.

18. Conflict Resolution for Professionals

Tired of workplace conflicts draining your energy and productivity? If you're a small business owner, effective conflict resolution is not just beneficial; it's essential for maintaining a healthy work environment.

This 10-lesson Conflict Resolution Strategies course is specifically designed to help you navigate through the complexities of interpersonal and team conflicts. You'll learn practical techniques for problem-solving and negotiation, equipping you to diffuse tension and resolve disputes swiftly.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (21)

Enhance your ability to handle difficult personalities without losing your cool and build your cultural sensitivity to avoid misunderstandings.

19. Listening Skills

As a small business owner, your ability to communicate effectively can make or break your company's success. Our course on Listening Skills for Leaders is your key to unlocking better communication within your team.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (22)

In a series of focused tutorials, you'll learn invaluable strategies like knowing the optimal moments to engage in conversation and how to adopt mental habits that make you a better listener.

We'll also show you how to read voice and body language, an essential skill that will help you diagnose problems before they escalate. Don't just have conversations—make them meaningful and action-oriented.

20. Speaking Skills

In this course, learn how to simplify complicated topics into easy-to-understand messages that resonate with your audience, whether it's your team or a room full of potential clients. You'll also practice genuine techniques for connecting with listeners and gaining their attention.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (23)

Become the leader you aspire to be—confident, compelling, and clear. Whether it's team meetings, investor pitches, or one-on-one conversations, this course will make you better at motivating and guiding your team toward success. Take the first step towards becoming a more persuasive communicator.

Why is training for small business owners important?

You have a lot on your plate as a small business owner, and we can understand if you think that these types of online business courses for entrepreneurs are yet another thing to add to your lengthy to-do list.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (24)However, investing in your own training and development offers a number of advantages for both you and your business:

  • Expanded skill set: Running a business is a constant learning process, and participating in different small business training programs and courses helps you expand your knowledge and improve as a professional and business owner.
  • Increased productivity: As you build expertise, you’ll become more proficient and even faster at many of the aspects of business ownership — whether it’s pulling together a polished document in half the time or understanding how to avoid rework on projects. The result? Improved productivity for you and your entire team.
  • Greater fulfillment: When you lead the charge of your own business, there’s no structured development path. You aren’t working toward a typical raise or promotion. Investing in your own professional development can add to your sense of purpose and lead to a far more fulfilling and rewarding career.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (25)

While this type of training for small business owners offers numerous benefits for you alone, it’s also worthwhile to offer these types of learning and development opportunities to your employees.

When you provide them with opportunities to pick up new skills, you can experience the following benefits:

  • Improved employee retention: Research from LinkedIn found that 94 percent of employees saythey would stay at a company longer if it invested in helping them learn. Offering courses and training shows your employees that you’re engaged in their development, and it might inspire them to stick with your small business for the long haul.
  • More positive work culture: Employees don’t want to feel like they’re punching the clock and instead want to know that they’re encouraged and empowered to advance in their careers. Providing ample learning opportunities boosts employee morale and supports a positive culture on your team.
  • Reduced skill gaps: Hiring is a big pain point for small business owners, with 64.2 percent of them admitting they struggle to attract qualified talent. With the right training, you can invest in the employees you already have, support them as they expand their skills, and fulfill some of the needs on your team with employees you already trust.

20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (26)Needless to say, training for small business owners and their employees isn’t an extra responsibility on a to-do list. Instead, it’s an important strategy for advancing yourself, your team, and your entire business.

Keep your (and your team’s) learning on track

There’s no denying that investing in professional development in the form of online courses is important for you and your small business employees.

The best way to make the most of this experience is to use a learning management system (LMS)like GoSkills. It comes pre-loaded with helpful courses (including all of the ones we mentioned above), keeps your learning content organized, tracks progress, and offers fun features like social learning and gamification.

That way you (and your team) can master what you need to know — and enjoy the process. Ready to prioritize learning and knowledge for you and your small business team? Get started with GoSkills today.

A better way to train It's easier than ever to create, track, and manage team training with the GoSkills LMS. Start for free
20 Best Courses for Small Business Owners (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.