DrillStudioダウンロードページ (2024)

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (1)

Software Download

Download and installation is free of charge, but functionality is limited until activated.

You may receive a warning like the one below when downloading, but please continue as it does not contain any dangerous files.

Please read the "Download Terms" before downloading.

Drill Studio ver. 6.2.14  update time 08/03/2024 12:00

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (2)

for Mac OSX

dmg disk image format

Intel 64bit &

Apple Silicon

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (4)



for Windows

exe installer format

Updated Contents

  • Fixed a bug where line spacing of text significantly differed between screen and print.
  • Changed the line break unit for text.
  • Corrected the issue where feet slightly sunk during a hold.
  • Improved file opening capabilities even if there are texture errors.
  • Made the label position adjustment system more user-friendly.
  • Modified to display a warning about which object will be deleted when the delete button or DELETE key is pressed.
  • Fixed a bug where the horn or turn set on sheet 0 could not be executed.
  • Added a delete button specifically for sheets and counts.

Sample Costume Textures for Ver.6 Series

Texture samples for creating original costumes.

Included are textures for costumes and hats, as well as reference images for mapping the textures.

ZIP Compressed Images

Image data

If you have trouble downloading or installing the software, please see

If you are having trouble downloading and installing the software, please see "If a warning message appears" and follow the instructions.

update history

  • 08/01/2023 ver.6.2.12

    Mac Windows x86(32bit) Windows 64(64bit)

    Fixed a bug where edits would not be reflected when a sheet was deleted.

    Enabled reverse selection using the SHIFT key during drag selection.

    Improved the editing functionality for selecting multiple sheets.

  • 02/07/2024 ver.6.2.11

    Mac Windows x86(32bit) Windows 64(64bit)

    Changed to version 2022.3.18f of UNITY.

    Enhanced to be able to reflect offset copy to multiple sheets at once.

    Improved the ability to modify multiple sheets at once while they are selected (some functions).

    Added the ability to print upside down.

    Fixed a bug in the spline curve tool.

    Corrected misalignment when printing small text.

  • 09/20/2023 ver.6.1.17

    Mac Windows x86(32bit) Windows 64(64bit)

    Fixed a bug where line spacing settings were not reflected when printing.

    Improved cursor movement behavior for pen and touch operations when entering multi-line text.

    Fixed a bug that prevents mode switching under certain conditions.

  • 09/18/2023 ver.6.1.15

    Mac Windows x86(32bit) Windows 64(64bit)

    Improved the rectangle selection system in the under area.

    Improved the processing speed of multiple selections on sheets and counts.

    Fixed a bug that prevented performer labels from being resized

    Fixed a bug in the d-line tool that prevented lines from being written

    When creating a series of lines, added the ability to right-click on the end to complete and then [esc] to complete

    Fixed a bug that the action does not stop when the down arrow is pressed and held

    Tweaked size of tool buttons

    Fixed a bug that the draw tool did not work well in label selection mode

  • 09/08/2023 ver.6.1.13

    Mac Windows x86(32bit) Windows 64(64bit)

    Fixed a bug that text does not break lines when printed

    Fixed a bug that made text invisible when setting the background color of a text box

    Changed the criteria for setting line spacing for text

    Lightened under-area sheet aliasing to work smoothly even when creating a large number of sheets

    Improved startup speed

    Enlarged the bounding box in the paper settings for easier operation

    Changed so that z0 is set when physics is off and sheets are displayed

  • 09/06/2023 ver.6.1.11

    Mac Windows x86(32bit) Windows 64(64bit)

    Fixed a bug in which the text in the drop-down menu for selecting sheet presets in the Advanced Settings was not displayed (bug in 6.0.18)

    Added a User Support item to the Help menu to make it easier to contact us via SNS

    Adjusted line thickness and print thickness

    Changed the specification so that the tool does not go off the screen

    Added button to stop video export

    Fixed a bug that lines were not displayed when selecting a rectangle in the under area.

  • 09/01/2023 ver.6.0.18

    Mac Windows x86(32bit) Windows 64(64bit)

    Changed the method of calculating tool positions (if a tool disappears, please go to the menu [Tools] > [Reset to Initial State])

    Changed materials and shaders for iPad compatibility.

    Fixed a bug that sound files could not be saved when exporting videos (bug in 6.0.17)

  • 08/30/2023 ver.6.0.17

    Mac Windows x86(32bit) Windows 64(64bit)

    Added an auto-save function that automatically saves at a specified time.

    Improved graphic quality settings in basic settings Changed compression/decompression method to prevent sound source degradation due to repeated saves

    Changed so that the dsm server can be used only with activation.

  • 08/19/2023 ver.6.0.16

    Mac Windows x86(32bit) Windows 64(64bit)

    On MacOS, the compression format was changed to solve the problem of not being able to start depending on the environment. On Windows, changes were made to solve the problem of loading sound sources, such as the light blue bar appearing at the bottom that does not disappear and not being able to save the file.

  • 08/01/2023 ver.6.0.15

    Mac Windows x86(32bit) Windows 64(64bit)

    Addition of writing tools

    Changed dsm server specs (dsm account creation is now required)

    Added links to new manual and video tutorials in Help

    UI design changes

    Changed mouse operation for drawing shapes to support tablets

    Improved trouble with Japanese input not being converted properly

    Enhanced customization of tools

    Added mp4 to video export

    Enhanced object tool

    Added automatic format adjustment when reading sound files

    Changed backup files from bak format to dsm format Added functions to reduce drawing, such as changing shadow and metal material

(LTS) Drill Studio ver. 5.6.66  update time 20/09/2023 12:00

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (8)

for Mac OSX

dmg disk image format

64bit only

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (10)

for Windows

exe installer format



All versions prior to 5.6.29 are 32-bit versions.

If you wish to update to the 64-bit version, please uninstall Drill Studio and install a new version.

LTS Version 5 Update History

20/09/2023 Fixed a bug that caused character line spacing to be 0 for data created with version 6

26/08/2023 Added a setting to hide the version to prevent the version update guide from being displayed repeatedly

26/08/2023 Adjusted to load version 6 data smoothly

26/08/2023 Fixed a bug in the "Create Next Song" function

Old Version Archive

Drill Studio 2019 ver.5.4.5  update time 16/11/2019 13:00

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (13)

for Mac OSX

dmg disk image format

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (15)

for Windows

exe installer format

Drill Studio 2018 ver.4.2.3  update time 17/05/2018 2:00

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (17)

for Mac OSX

dmg disk image format

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (19)

for Windows

exe installer format

If a warning message appears and you cannot download

If you get a Microsoft Edge "Generally not downloaded" error.

① Move the cursor inside the red frame.

Click anywhere in box.

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DrillStudioダウンロードページ (22)

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (23)

② If you hover your mouse over the message, then in the right hand side three dots appear.

Select the three dots and a sub-menu will appear with 'Keep' as an option.

Note that it is not the top three dots, but the one next to the message you should click

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (24)

③ Another box will appear, with the options Delete and Cancel.

There is also a link that says Show More. Please click this link.

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (25)

④ When you have clicked the link, three options appear.

Select 'Keep Anyway'

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⑤ Now you will be able to download and install Payback.

 Click 'Open File' to begin the installation process

See below for how to deal with installation warnings.

For Windows

For Mac

If you get a warning like the one below in Googl

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (27)

Since there is nothing wrong with the application itself, please use the following method to download it.

① Click the arrow to the right of "Discard."

② Click "Continue" in the pop-up that appears.

See below for how to deal with installation warnings.

For Windows

For Mac

Warnings when installing on Windows

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (28)

Additionally, you may see the following warning:

In that case, click "Details".

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (29)

Click "Run" when it appears.

In addition, the following will be displayed if the computer does not have NET Framework installed.

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (30)

"Download and install this feature"

and follow the installer instructions.

Warnings when installing on Mac

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (31)

If the alert "Cannot open because it cannot be confirmed whether it is malicious software" is displayed at startup, click the [OK] button once to close it.

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DrillStudioダウンロードページ (33)

When opening a pkg file, Control-click (or right-click) the pkg to display options that can be performed on the file and select the Open option.

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DrillStudioダウンロードページ (35)

Then, the [Open] button will be displayed in the same window as before, so click it to start.

If you don't see the Open button, it may be blocked by your security settings.

In that case, follow the steps below to allow the system to open Drill Studio.

DrillStudioダウンロードページ (36)

From System Preferences, click Security & Privacy

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You can open it by selecting "Allow applications from the App Store and identified developers" in "Allow applications downloaded from" in "General" and clicking "Open anyway".

If you are unable to install even after following the procedure, please send us a direct message to the official SNS account and we will support you.

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Inquiries by e-mail may take time to reply.


Japanese English

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DrillStudioダウンロードページ (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Last Updated:

Views: 5933

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.